Creating your Do Everything account will ensure all your data is safe, in case you lose your device.
Once you have your account, you can access all your data from any number of devices running iOS and Android.
If you would like to create your account, follow these steps:
Open the Do Everything app on iOS or Android
Tap the Get started button and follow the steps until you see the Create your account screen. Once there, choose how you would like to create your account:
If you want to sign up with your Google or Apple (iOS-only) account, tap the corresponding button
If you want to sign up with your email and password, choose Continue with Email button
Once you sign up with email and password, you will need to verify your email address. Just follow the instructions on the app to complete the verification.
If you just want to explore the app without creating your account, choose Create account later. Once you're ready to create your account, you can do so from the Settings screen in the app. Note that if you lose your device, you will lose all your data if you haven't created your account.